
Specialized School Programmes & Curricula

Brown, David W. "Militarism and Canadian Private Education: Ideal and Practice, 1861-1918," Canadian Journal of the History of Sport/Revue canadienne de l'Histoire des Sports, XVII, No. 1 (May 1986): 46-59.

Cosentino, Frank, and Maxwell L. Howell. A History of Physical Education in Canada, Toronto: General Publishing, 1971.

Cuthbertson, Shirley. "H. B. MacLean's Method of Writing," British Columbia Historical News, Vol. 32, No. 1 (Winter 1998/99): 6-10.

DeZwart, Mary-Leah. "Proving its worth: Jessie McLenaghen and home economics in British Columbia," Canadian Home Economics Journal, Vol. 41, No. 3 (Summer 1991): 134-139.

---------- "Voices of the pioneers: their struggle for legitimacy and recognition," Canadian Home Economics Journal, Vol. 45, No. 4 (Winter 1995): 139-142.

Dunn, Timothy. "'Teaching the Meaning of Work:' Vocational Education in British Columbia 1900 - 1929," in David C. Jones, Nancy M.Sheehan, and Robert M.Stamp (eds.), Shaping the Schools of the Canadian West, Calgary: Detselig, 1979.

---------- "Vocationalism and its promoters in British Columbia, 1900-1929," Journal of Educational Thought, Vol. 14, No. 2 (August 1980): 92-107.

Fleming, Thomas and Tara Toutant. "A Modern Box of Magic: School Radio in British Columbia, 1928-1974," Journal of Distance Education, Vol. 10, No. 1 (Spring 1995): 53-73.

Fleming, Thomas and David Conway. "C. B. Conway, Science and School Reform in British Columbia, 1938-1974," in Thomas Fleming (ed.), School Leadership. Essays on the British Columbia Experience, 1872-1995 (Mill Bay, B.C., 2001), pp. 133-158.

Hall, B. "Curriculum and Library Resource Services and Programs in British Columbia, 1850-1980," Bookmark, 30 (June 1989): 70-78.

Gleason, Mona. "Race, Class and Health: School Medical Inspection and 'Healthy' Children in British Columbia, 1890-1930," Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, Col. 19, No. 1 (2002): 95-112.

Hatch, Alison J. and Curt T.Griffiths. "Child Saving Postponed: The Impact of the Juvenile Delinquents Act on the Processing of Young Offenders in Vancouver," in Russell Smandych, Gordon Dodds, and Alvin Esau (eds.), Dimensions of Childhood. Essays on the History of Children and Youth in Canada , Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Legal Research Institute, 1991.

Jackson, Nancy and Jane Gaskell. "White Collar Vocationalism: The Rise of Commercial Education in Ontario and British Columbia, 1870-1920," Curriculum Inquiry Vol. 17, No. 2 (1987):177-201.

Jones, David C. "'We cannot allow it to be run by those who do not understand education:' Agricultural Schooling in the Twenties," BC Studies No. 39 (Autumn 1978): 30-60.

Lappage, Ronald S. "British Columbia's Contribution to the Dominion-Provincial Youth Training Programme through the Provincial Recreation Programme," Canadian Journal for the History of Sport and Physical Education, Vol. 9, no. 1 (December 1978): 86-92.

Lenskyj, Helen. "Feminity First: Sports and Physical Education for Ontario Girls, 1890-1930," Canadian Journal of the History of Sport/Revue canadienne de l'histoire des sports, Vol. 13, no. 2 (December 1982): 4-17.

Lewis, Norah. "Physical Perfection for Spiritual Welfare: Health Care for the Urban Child, 1900-1939," in Patricia T. Rooke and R. L. Schnell (eds.), Studies in Childhood History. A Canadian Perspective, Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1982.

---------- "'Creating the Little Machine:' Child Rearing in British Columbia, 1919- 1939," BC Studies, No. 56 (Winter 1982/83): 44 - 66.

Morton, Desmond. "The Cadet Movement in the Moment of Canadian Militarism, 1909-1914," Journal of Canadian Studies, 13 (Summer 1978): 56-68.

Poole, D. M. "A History of Book Selection and Censorship in the Public Schools of British Columbia," Bookmark, 30 (June 1989): 79-85.

Riley, Barbara. "Six Saucepans to One: Domestic Science vs. the Home in British Columbia, 1900-1930," in Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro (eds.), Not Just Pin Money. Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, Victoria: Camosun College, 1984.

Rolph, Terrie. "Retrospective of the BC Music Educator: 1958 - 2000. Part 1 (1958 - 1964)," B.C. Music Educator (September 2000): 10-16.

---------- "A Retrospective of the BC Music Educator: 1958 - 2000. Part 2 (1964 - 1970)," B.C. Music Educator (December 2000): 5-7.

---------- "A Retrospective of the BC Music Educator: 1958 - 2000. Part 3 (1970 - 1979)," B.C. Music Educator (December 2000): 5-19.

---------- "A Retrospective of the BC Music Educator: 1958 - 2000. Part 3 (1980 - 1999)," B.C. Music Educator, Vol. 44 (Summer 2001): 4-9.

Sbrocchi, F. M. "School Libraries in British Columbia: From Boxes of Books to Resource Centres, 1872-1970," Bookmark, 30 (June 1989): 32-59.

Stamp, Robert M. "Technical Education, the National Policy, and Federal-Provincial Relations in Canadian Education, 1899-1919," Canadian Historical Review, Vol. 52, No. 4 (December 1971): 404-423.

Stewart, Lee. "The Politics of Women's Education: Establishing Home Economics at the University of British Columbia, 1914-1949," Historical Studies in Education/Revue d'histoire de l'éducation, Vol. 1, No. 2 (Fall 1989): 261-281.

Thomas, Jane and Margaret Arcus, "Forces Influencing Home Economics Curriculum Changes in British Columbia Secondary Schools, 1912-1985," Canadian Home Economics Journal, Vol. 38, No. 2 (Spring 1988): 8-95.

Thomson, Gerald E. "A Fondness for Charts and Children: Scientific Progressivism in Vancouver Schools, 1920-50," Historical Studies in Education/Revue d'historie de l'éducation, Vol. 12, Nos. 1 & 2 (Spring 2000): 111-128.

---------- "'Not an attempt to coddle children:' Dr. Charles Hegler Gundry and the Mental Hygiene Division of the Vancouver School Board, 1939-1969," Historical Studies in Education/Revue d'historie de l'éducation, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Fall 2002): 247-278.

Weiss, Gillian. "An Essential Year for the Child: The Kindergarten in British Columbia," in J. Donald and David C. Jones (eds.), Schooling and Society in Twentieth Century British Columbia, Calgary: Detselig, 1980.

Articles relating to the history of home economics were occasionally published in the Teachers of Home Economics Specialist Association [THESA] Journal and Newsletter. The articles are available in PDF format at the THESA webstite.

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