Unit I. Health and Nutrition.

Specific Aims.

1. To develop an understanding of the relation of food to health and a keener and more intelligent interest in maintaining sensible food habits.

2. To develop an appreciation of the advisability of careful planning of meals to meet the needs of the various members of the family and yet conserve time, energy, and money.

3. To develop the ability to plan balanced meals for a family on a low-level income so that the highest nutritive value may be obtained for the money expended.

4. To develop an understanding of the importance of receiving health information from reliable sources.

Unit II. Foods and Cookery.

Specific Aims.

1. To develop a desire to assume greater responsibility for the planning, preparing, and serving of attractive meals in the home in varying circumstances.

2. To develop the ability to secure greater satisfaction from money spent for food in a home.

3. To develop an appreciation of the principles underlying the best methods of cooking various types of foods.

4. To develop skill in cookery commensurate with the time apportioned to practical work.

Unit III. Social Customs and Courtesies

Unit IV. The Dining Room

Unit V. Laundering.

Specific Aims.

1. To develop an appreciation of the fact that cleanliness is next to godliness.

2. To enable the girls to give intelligent assistance in the family laundering.

3. To develop independence on the part of the girls in caring for their own hosiery and silk underwear.

4. To develop an appreciation of the advancement in improvements in modern laundry equipment.

Unit VI. Clothing.

Specific Aims.

1. To develop an understanding of the essential principles of clothing selection, care, and construction as a foundation for solving clothing problems.

2. To develop sufficient creative ability to give pleasure in the planning and construction of clothing.

3. To develop an attractive personal appearance with an appreciation of the meaning of the term being well-dressed.

4. To develop the ability to recognize fibres and to judge textile values.

5. To develop good health habits through the selection and wearing of suitable clothing.

6. To help students to appreciate relative values in the selection of clothing on minimum income levels; [and] on other levels.

7. To develop an appreciation of the social responsibility of the purchaser of clothing.

Unit VII. Applied Art.

Art Structure.

Aim:To emphasize the value of basic principles in the development of Taste and Technique.


Aim: To give students added experience in handling different materials, and a knowledge and appreciation of fine craft-work.

Dress Appreciation.

Aim: To lead students to the appreciation of suitable school clothing in general, and to help them in the selection of clothes for their own particular needs.

Interior Decoration.


To help students to use their knowledge of design principles in their choice of furnishings and colour for the home.

To help them to create a fine atmosphere in the home, and to use their craft knowledge in the making of things that are both useful and beautiful.

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