Unit I. Health and Nutrition.

For Specific Aims, see Unit I., (CC) II.

Unit II. Foods and Cookery.

For Specific Aims, see Unit II., (CC) II.

Unit III. Child Care and Development.

Specific Aims.

1. To give an understanding of the importance of heredity in the development of an individual.

2. To give an understanding of the importance of environment in the development of wholesome physical, mental, social, and emotional habits.

3. To give an appreciation of the physical, mental, social, and emotional needs of a baby and of a pre-school child, and to develop the ability to care for these needs.

4. To give a knowledge of and a respect for the opportunities and responsibilities of parenthood.

Unit IV. Clothing and Textiles.

For Specific Aims, see Unit IV., (CC) II.

Unit V. Applied Art.

Art Structure.

Aim. To review and develop principles of design and colour.


Aim. To give students practical experience in working out their designs in material, to further their appreciation of texture, and to give the different types of stitchery.

Dress Appreciation.

Aim. To help the student to realize which styles and colours best express and enhance her personality.

Interior Decoration.

Aim. To help students to apply their art knowledge in the choice of colour and furnishings of the home.

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