Aims.¾To establish fundamental health habits which are within the ability of

children first entering school, and to create the right attitude toward these habits.

   Time Allotment.¾Twelve minutes daily for definite health instruction, to be

 supplemented by incidental teaching along with the other activities of the day.

I.      The Outer Body and Cleanliness.

   1. Parts of the Body:  More obvious parts, as trunk, head, arms, hands, legs, feet, skin, nails, hair.

   2. The Skin.  Why wash the skin?

       (a.) Take a full bath at least once a week, but preferably daily.

       (b.) Use individual towels.

3. Face, Neck, Hands.

(a.) Wash face, neck, and ears at least once a day with warm water and


       (b.) Wash hands often, always before eating and after going to the toilet.

(c.)  Keep the nails clean and properly trimmed.  Do not bite the nails.

4. Teeth and Mouth.

(a.) Brush the teeth night and morning and after meals.

(b.) Have individual brush.

(c.) Visit the dentist regularly.

(d.) Take cod-liver oil during the winter months.

(e.) Keep fingers, coins, pencils, etc., out of the mouth.

(f.)  Do not crack nuts or bite thread with the teeth.

   5. Nose.

(a.) Keep the nose clean.

(b.) Avoid sniffling.

(c.) Do not pick the nose.

(d.) Breathe through the nose.

(e.) Do not put objects into the nose.

(f.)  Have a clean handkerchief every day.  Know how to use it; blow

 one nostril at a time, and not too forcibly  (with the mouth slightly

 open, otherwise harm may be done to the ears).

   6. Hair.

(a.) Wash the hair frequently.

(b.) Keep the hair neatly combed, brushed, and cut.

   7. Feet.

(a.) Keep the feet clean and dry.

(b.) Change stockings frequently.

(c.) Keep toe-nails trimmed.

   8. Eyes.

       (a.) When reading or looking at pictures, make sure the light comes over

 the left shoulder.

(b.) Hold the book up rather than the head down. 

(c.) Do not rub the eyes excessively.

(d.) Have any foreign substance removed from the eye immediately.  An

             injury to the eye will handicap a person for life.

(e.) When working at a desk, do not bend over and keep eyes too close to    

         the desk..

   9. Ears.

(a.) Keep the ears clean.

(b.) Wash behind the ears.

(c.) Do not pick the ears with pins or other hard substances.

(d.) Never strike another on the ears.

Suggested Activities.

1.       Morning inspection by teacher for checking the correct practice of the habits

of cleanliness.  Method should be varied frequently, should be interest-arousing,

and a great deal of encouragement should be given.

2.       The keeping of records.  These should be kept for short periods and should

be varied to avoid monotony.

3.       Demonstration of correct method of washing hands, use of handkerchief,

use of tooth-brush, etc.

   4. Dramatization of stories of cleanliness.

4.       Simple stories from health readers and health magazines which teach a posi

-tive health lesson.

   6. Health rhymes and jingles.

   7. Pantomime:  Getting Ready for School.

   8. Dramatization of the correct use of tooth-brush and handkerchief.

   9. Paper-cutting and modelling of articles used in practice of cleanliness.

10.  Songs.

II.  The Inner Body.

   1. Foods:  What are foods?

       Proper foods.

       (a.) Use milk and plenty of it; at least three glasses a day.

       (b.) Eat some vegetables and fruit everyday.

(c.) Eat three regular meals a day.  Sit down to eat.  Eat slowly.  Chew

      food thoroughly.

(d.) Do not eat candy except after meal-time.

       (e.) Be cheerful and happy during meals.

   2. Water.

       (a.) Drink at least four glasses of pure water daily.  Drink slowly.

       (b.) Use your own drinking-[c]up.

   3. Stimulants:  Avoid use of coffee, tea, and alcoholic drinks, as they contain

elements harmful to development.

   4. Elimination.

       (a.) Go to the toilet at a regular time each day.

       (b.) Use the toilet properly.

       (c.) Wash hands afterward.

       (d.) Do not waste toilet-paper.

       (e.) Do not loiter in the toilet.

Suggested Activities.

   1. Pantomime and Dramatization:  Playing Store with Imaginary Foods.

   2. Paper-folding¾a drinking-cup.

   3. Paper cutting and modelling of fruits, vegetables, milk-bottles.

   4. Making posters showing value of milk.

5.       Encouraging children to visit the dairies, grocery-stores, and bakeries.  These

visits will furnish material for discussion as well as many interesting projects.

   6. Placing pictures of foods on a tray.  Having a child choose two good foods or   

two poor foods and giving the reasons for his choice.

   7. Playing cafeteria.  Having several children go to the board and choose four   

things for breakfast.  After arranging them on their desks, they tell what they  

are having for breakfast.  Class applauds a good choice.

   8. Stories told by teacher.

9. Rhymes and jingles.

III. Clothing.     (This may be integrated with Social Studies, Science and


1.       Keep the clothes clean, especially those worn next the skin.  Change fre


   2. Wear wraps and rubbers when needed.    Be sure to remove these when you

go into the house or school.

   3. Remove damp clothing as soon as possible.

   4. Be sure that all clothing, particularly shoes and stockings, fits properly and

does not restrict freedom of limbs or of the body.

5. When clothing is removed at night, hang it where it will air.

Suggested Activities.

   Tell how animals change their clothing for winter, why the sheep are sheared

in the spring, and what happens if they are sheared too early and then caught in a blizzard.

IV.  Surroundings.

   1. Clean feet before entering room.

   2. Remove wraps and rubbers and dispose of them in proper place.

   3. Keep floor and desk clean.

   4. Know the value of the waste-paper basket.

   5. Take proper care of books and supplies.

   6. Take pride in helping to care for the class-room, the grounds, and the home.

V.    Sleep, Rest, and Relaxation.

   1. Wash hands, face, neck, and ears before retiring.

   2. Brush the teeth.

   3. Remove all day-clothing.

   4. Sleep twelve hours in a clean room, without a light and with windows open.

   5. Have sufficient bedclothes to keep you warm, but let them be light in weight.

   6. Relax during play-hours.

Suggested Activities.

   1. Pantomime:  Getting Ready for Bed; Getting up in the Morning.

   2. Rest periods in school.

   3. Simple stories.

   4. Rhymes and jingles.

5. Songs.

VI. Exercise and Posture.

1.       Play and work are both necessary for physical and mental development,

and as much as possible should be in the sunshine and fresh air.

   2. Some regular work should be required of every child daily.

   3. Children should sit, stand, and walk erect.

VII. Fresh Air and Sunshine.

   1. Children should play outdoors in sunshine every day.

1.  Children should be taught to love the out-of-doors, to enjoy the sunshine,

to work or play in the midst of growing things.

VII. Healthful Living.

1.       Avoid contagion in the interests of community health.  Do not be a carrier

of disease or dirt.  Heed carefully all quarantine regulations.

2.       Prevent disease by cleanliness, sanitation, and avoiding contagion.  (Children

should be taught that to be healthy is a duty (a) to themselves. (b) to those with

whom they come in contact.)

   3. Avoid spreading a cold or any other contagious disease to others.

       (a.) Cover mouth with handkerchief when coughing or sneezing.

       (b.) Sleep alone if possible.

       (c.) Don’t get too close to others when talking.

       (d.) Wash hands frequently, especially after using a soiled handkerchief.

IX. Safety.

   1. Play in the home yard or playground.

   2. Look both ways before crossing street or road.

3.       Avoid playing with fire or matched.

4.       Know own name and address and parent’s names and address in case of being


   5. Avoid playing with sharp-pointed instruments; e.g., scissors.

6.       Avoid eating unfamiliar berries and leaves.

7.       Avoid playing with unfamiliar objects; e.g., detonators.   (See introduction

for descriptive article on detonators.)

   See also Reading and Literature, Grade I.

Suggested Activities.

   1. Demonstration by teacher how to cross street or road.

   2. Pantomime:  Coming to School; Going to the Store, etc.

   3. Safety stories.

   4. Rhymes and jingles.

5. If possible, detonators used in blasting should be shown and the danger


   6. Teaching pupils not to play with guns and never to point a gun in play.

X.    Mental Hygiene.

   1. Be happy and cheerful at home and at play.

   2. Practise self-control and self-reliance.

   3. Have a sense of fairness in play and games.

   4. Overcome unnecessary fears.

   5. Cultivate kindness to playmates and animals.

   6. Lean obedience.