Home Economics: Home Relations, Unit III Social Customs and Courtesies

(6-10 periods)


Topical Outline.

Suggested Approaches and Procedure.

Student Activity.

1. A study of social customs and courtesies

(6 + periods.)

I. Origin of Social Customs:

1.Self respect and respect for others is essential in group life.

2.Handshaking - a sign of friendship.

3.Dancing - a sign of happiness.

II. Every-day Social Customs:


(a)     Correct greetings.

(b)     Presenting younger people to

older people.

(c)     Presenting men to women

(d)     Presenting less distinguished

to more distinguished guests.

2. Invitations:

(a)     Informal.

(b)     Formal - when used: how


3. Acceptances.

4. Regrets.

5.Table etiquette:

(a)     Posture.

(b)     Use of utensils.

(c)     Eating habits.

(d)     Use of napkin.

(e)     Sitting down to and rising

from table.

(f)       Responsibility of guest in re-

guard to conversation.

(g)     Taking leave after dinner


6. Characteristics of a successful


(a)     Genuine love for people.

(b)     Poise.

(c)     Sympathy and understanding.

(d)     Courtesy to each guest.

7.Responsibilities of a guest:

(a)     Courtesies due the hostess.

(b)     Written acknowledgement of

courtesy on return.

8. Courtesy in family life:

(a)     Respect for parents.

(b)     Sympathy and patience with

younger children.

(c)     Respect for the opinions of

older people.

III. Manners in Public Places:

1.In school:

(a)     In assembly and corridor.

(b)     Towards fellow-students.

(c)     At games.

2. In restaurants.

3. In stores.

4. On the telephone.

5. On the street.

6. On street-cars.

7.At the movies.

8. When travelling.

IV. Conduct Between Boys and


1.Courtesy to all boys and girls.

2.Correct form as to: -

(a)     Invitations to parties.

(b)     Conduct at parties, on the

street, and in public places.

(c)     Duty to hostess or chaperone.

(d)     Escorting girls to and from


(e)     Making and keeping appoint-


Show that true courtesy is simply the expression of a kindly motive.

Society is based on consideration for the rights of others.

Discuss what is meant by good manners.

Have pupils list things they might do to show respect for others.

Helen is giving a week-end party and one of her guests is from out of town.

How should Helen introduce her guest to her mother and to her other guests?

How should the guest acknowledge these introductions?

Discuss Eat at your table as you would eat at the table of a king.

Illustrate correct habits by use of pictures and demonstration.

Correlate with meal service.

Discuss characteristics of a successful hostess.

Discuss the question: Why are some people always welcome guests?

Develop ideals through discussion.

What particular customs and courtesies should be observed in the association of High School girls and their boy acquaintances?

Practise introductions until confidence is achieved.

Plan class party in the form of a dinner for mothers. Write suitable invitations.

Make a list of desirable and undesirable topics for table conversation.

List points each girl should observe so as to make dinner a success.

Write a note of acknowledgement.

Observe conduct in various places.

Illustrative Material and References




Friend & Schultz

Current magazines.

Practice rules in daily living and special entertaining at home.

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